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It’s mid September and the leaves are turning warm, the nights are growing colder and for me this is my favourite time of year, ironically this is when I blossom (not spring) and start enjoying getting home to a warm house, hot food and great company, let me tell you 10 reasons why autumn is perfect!
1. Sweaters, scarfs and gloves
one of my favourite things about autumn is being able to slip into a nice warm cosy jumper, it’s like I was destined to be in a jumper by default, like something I was born with, and when/if I step outside I throw on the biggest tartan or cable knit cable I can get my hands on, I favour the extra long, extra thick runway scarfs that are barely acceptable to wear in public because they’re so chunky. Gloves wise I always have a set of mittens with fingers underneath so I can still function, how handy is that?
2 Colourful crunchy leaves
Don’t you love the feeling of stepping out in the morning when the sun is coming up, with a golden glow on all the red, orange and yellow leaves, or better yet running through piles of leaves. Here in the UK it’s a real find to get a big pile of crunchy leaves that haven’t been destroyed by the rain and turned into a soggy cold mess. Somehow that crunch makes all the difference and us as human beings will probably never understand why we enjoy it so much, just do it, it’s therapeutic!
3. Bonfires
As the nights grow colder, Bonfire night is a spectacular night of the year where we encourage setting things on fire, granted it’s always in a controlled enviroment but this is the British version of July 4th in American, fireworks but with cups of tea! We honestly will find any reason to justify an event with a cup of tea. The displays we always go to always go above and beyond, and the photographs I bring back every year taking my dslr and tripod speak volumes for themselves.
4. Blankets, cuddling and books
As stated before, this is a sub reason to the 1st point, autumn to me is comfort and warmth! I feel the cold so badly and will do anything and everything to keep the remaining warmth near me. I love getting cosy and enjoying a good night in over a night out, find me tucked away with a good evening read. This stems from when I was little and about nowish would que all the halloween related books, which brings me to my next point.
5. Halloween
Possibly one of the best celebrations ever, dressing up in amazing costumes and eating sweet creations. This is my favourite time of year when people make effort and I mean real effort, I used to win every halloween competition in primary with my mums makeup and sewing skills I would have the best Wednesday Addams costume ever. It’s wonderful because every year is different, I love the parties and the surprising photos that I get to scroll through annually.
6. Carving pumpkins
If you’ve ever seen the movie Donnie Darko you’ll understand as an artist I have to make the Frank the bunny pumpkin, we always try and get in 3 per person and make a massive family event of pumpkin carving, a family of artists I should probably point out and with the remains of the pumpkin, well you tell me…
7. Pumpkin spice latte
Or generally pumpkin anything, soup, stew, cookies, bread you can put pumpkin infront of many recipes and I guarantee I will probably attempt at making it, or have had it! Best of them all is the beloved Pumpkin Spiced Latte, all the girls rubbing their mittens together when they see their local Starbucks, Costa or Pret have started up the pumpkin lattes. I love them so much I have to make them at home now with pumpkin puree and have perfected the recipe to the point I am so narrowly close to publicising my recipe for others, because it is far superior to Starbucks
8. Going on walks
Does anyone else favour a walk through the woods in the autumn more than any time of year, partially because of the leaves, but the air feels fresh and hydrating particularly in the morning like spring grass but just different, I wish I could elaborate more on the reason but it’s just undescribable just how wonderful this feeling is when going for a stroll during autumn
9. Watching movies
The dreaded word is coming up but cosiness equats to the build up to CHRISTMAS, there I said it, for me it’s the practise run, I love watching kids movies at christmas but particularly all the american ones seem more relevant and better at around autumn time, and gives me an excuse to crack out Hocus Pocus, an absolute fave of mine
10. Candles
I posted a tweet last night declaring my love, it’s mid semptember and I’ve got out Yankee Candles everywhere, I’m going to invest a few more as I left my Salted Caramel one at my parents house and missing that smell, lighting up candles for dinner, lighting up candles before bed, lighting up candles in the bath, they all go hand in hand. At the end of the day it’s cosy and lovely and sue me candles are perfect.
What do you love about autumn?
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