On Wednesday I was invited to attend the first Fragrance Direct Christmas Party, and what a storm it went down as. Greeted into a private room at the All Star Lanes in Manchester behind these doors a room with a bar, yummy cocktails, two bowling lanes, christmas crackers with Prada perfume inside, a mountain of mini burgers and adorable cupcakes with lipsticks. Sounds like heaven, am I right?
I’ve been especially excited about the new YSL Opium, that I had been dying to try, Fragrance Directs collection has something for all fussy buyers including myself, I was strung by the new Marc Jacobs Daisy Dream that I’d been dying to get my hands on, and would have loved to have gone to their tweet shop in London a few months back. It was lush to see all the girlies, and met some new faces, everyone is so charming I wish they all lived up north. I love that F.D do a variety of Gift Sets, with extra goodies that I cannot hang some lush smellies out of some stockings, I think would make a fantastic stocking filler, You should definitely check them out here!
As goodie bags generally are wonderful I came home with a santa’s sack full of makeup treats including lipsticks, nail varnish, eyeliners, designer perfumes and some delish Calvin Klein buttons, a massive thank you to the lush people at Fragrance Direct for having me, I cannot wait for the next one!
What do you think of the #fdxmasparty?
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