Stephi LaReine// UK Fashion & Lifestyle Blogger, First Youtube Video, October Haul, Boohoo, Quiz, New Look, Primark, Pink Hair

Today I announced the big decision to break into the massive world of Youtube, not only as a confidence booster and help my self esteem daily but to benefit my readers and inform them of all the wonderful things I want to talk about in a much more comfortable, easy listening environment, my cosy filming corner in my office. I’ve got the same butterflies I got when I first put my name to stephilareine.com I’m nervous and doubting how happy or unhappy I might be from making the commitments I have. But anywhom I can only hope you enjoy what I have to say and love the this months haul of goodies!

Does any of my readers use Youtube?

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Any items marked with a * have been gifted or sent to me to review, please see my pr/disclosure
