Pink Fur Coat*// Stylemoi
This was the day before Christmas Eve, I spent a good week at my parents house, the nights were bitterly cold and I’m glad I was wrapped up in the snuggest fur coat ever. I’ve been dying to get some pink fur and think it’s going to take me until July to take this baby off. Stylemoi are brilliant, I wholeheartedly recommend checking them out for some on trend quirkiness! Who likes my new playsuit? Playsuits were my go-to for nights out, I let to let lose and not worry about my appearence when I celebrate, although they are a bummer to undo in the ladies but I’ve been lace and velvets biggest fan and will definitely be re-appearing in this a few times before I’m done. Finished with my creeper brogues as per.
I’ve been learning a thing or two about my style recently, breaching the boundaries of my comfort zone. faux fur is definitely my calling for 2015, I aim by the end of the year to have a coat in every colour, I will do it!
What do you like about todays look?
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