[dropcap]W[/dropcap]e tend to think that only men will suffer from hair loss, but women also have issues with hair loss. Men and women both dislike losing their hair and look for ways to stop the unfortunate problem.
Even if women do not have trouble with baldness, it is common for hair to thin as they age. Most hair loss is due to genetics, hormones, stress, or chemicals. Even though some hair loss is difficult to avoid, there are ways to slow it down.
When you look for a shampoo that will help you avoid hair loss, the first ingredient to look for is sulfates. If you see it in a bottle of shampoo, do not buy it. Instead, look for moisturizing shampoos that include natural oils and extracts. It is perfectly ok to use a shampoo that does not suds up as suds are usually a result of harsh chemicals.
1. Use gentle shampoos
2. Eat a diet rich in iron, healthy fats and proteins
The old adage “You are what you eat” is true when it comes to your hair. Your hair will benefit from vitamin- and mineral-rich foods like lean meats, fish, and beans. Fish like salmon is loaded with minerals that help strengthen hair and egg whites are good to eat and to use on your hair, too. It is also helpful to eat ground flaxseed, which adds a nutty flavor to yogurt, salads, and smoothies.
While you’re adding proteins and fats to your diet, don’t forget to add leafy greens. Spinach and other dark green leafy vegetables have Vitamin A, which includes an antioxidant that improves blood circulation and promotes hair growth.
3. Eat leafy greens for Vitamin A
4. Use a gentle hairbrush
You do not need to brush your hair several times throughout the day. It is easy for hair to break when it is brushed too often, especially if your hair is already thin and fragile. Over-brushing can damage hair at the roots. It is also wise not to brush hair after you have used hairspray on it. The best way to brush your hair is to use a wide-tooth comb on wet hair, but never, ever tug or pull at your hair.
Hot styling products can cause significant damage. Some hot irons and blow dryers can reach incredibly hot temperatures and can burn the scalp and hair, too. Flatirons and curling irons are the most damaging because of the excessive heat that is directly applied to the hair shaft. If you must use hot styling products, use them on the lowest possible setting.
5. Avoid using hot styling products
6. Learn to manage stress
One common form of hair loss is alopecia, which researchers believe is caused by stress. When the body becomes stressed, it can attack the hair follicles, which can result in patches of baldness. Even if you do not have alopecia, it is helpful to learn to manage your stress to avoid having any type of hair loss. You can do this by learning to breathe to calm the body, attending yoga classes, or learning to meditate. While it is impossible to avoid all stressful situations, you can make yourself aware of situations that create stress for you and learn how to best manage those situations. If you need to need to feel a little more normal, and know that you’re not the only person dealing with stress, then try out these 9 Inspirational Stress Management Quotes to Keep You Motivated. It’ll be worthwhile!
Most people do not drink enough water throughout the day. While you work on adding more water to your diet (at least 64 ounces per day), it is wise to stop unhealthy habits. Those can include drinking sugary sodas and caffeinated beverages, drinking alcohol, or smoking. The body is mostly water and it needs a significant amount to stay healthy.
7. Drink plenty of water
8. Avoid pulling your hair into ponytails, braids, or chignons
Like over-brushing, pulling your hair back so it tugs on the hairline can be a quick way to lose your hair. Instead, where it down. If you must pull it back, be gentle and use breakage-free hair ties to avoid damaging your hair at the root or shaft.
Healthy hair masks and hair oil treatments can do wonders for the hair and the scalp. Hair oil treatments help heal the scalp, especially when oil is massaged into it. Look for oils with natural ingredients, especially olive oil or coconut oil. Hair masks help treat the hair shaft. Olive oil masks help moisturize dry hair and almond oil masks strengthen weakening hair. Masks can be made from egg whites and other products you can find in your pantry.
9. Use hair masks and oil treatments
10. Massage the scalp
Even if you do not have time to do a hair oil massage, you can help your scalp by just massaging it with your fingertips. You can do a massage on your scalp at any time of the day, but one of the most beneficial times is in the shower while you are shampooing or conditioning your hair. Massage improves circulation, which helps encourage hair growth. It also helps lower stress.
Chemical processing of any kind (bleaching, straightening, perming, highlighting, etc.) is damaging to the hair. If you make a severe color change, you run the risk of doing damage that is so bad you have to cut your hair. It is not uncommon for some chemical processing to burn the scalp, which can also cause hair loss. If you must color your hair, be sure to condition it with a mask or deep conditioning treatment regularly.
11. Avoid chemical processing
12. Add vitamins to your daily routine
There are vitamin formulas that are specifically designed to help reduce hair loss. You can buy them in one formula or add the ones that are missing from your regimen. The best choices are Vitamin A, C, D, and E. Vitamins in the B category are also beneficial, especially B-12.
If nothing seems to work for you or if you unexpectedly begin to lose large amounts of hair, it is wise to see a physician, especially a dermatologist. There are medications and treatment options that are not available over the counter to help reduce hair loss. Excessive hair loss could be a sign of a more serious condition and your doctor can help you figure that out.