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[dropcap]Y[/dropcap]ou may have heard, but the planet isn’t in the best shape right now. Fossil fuels, mass agricultural pollution, palm oil, plastic filling our oceans, global warming, the list of the Earth’s problems just seems to be getting worryingly bigger and longer.

With this in mind, the state of the planet and the scale of the issues it faces can make it all seem pretty hopeless. And it makes you wonder what difference can one person make? Well, the answer is – quite a lot actually. If you’re hoping to make a difference and make some more planet conscious decisions then read on for 5 super simple changes we can all make.



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Habitats and wildlife are being destroyed at a worrying rate, but you can always give nature a helping hand at home. From planting a new tree or bush in your garden – check out this website to find out more about which trees and plants will work best in your garden – to planting wildflowers and avoiding pesticides on your plants. Hanging bird feeders, bird tables – it’s pretty easy to do your bit when it comes to helping wildlife.

Make something for wildlife

Eco-friendly fashion

Sadly, clothes shopping and fast fashion isn’t the kindest thing we can do for the planet. But there are ways you can still get your fashion fix, without contributing to the problem. You’ll find clothes swapping events up and down the country, from Swap in the city in London to Rags and Revival in Brighton. These are events where you can swap your clothes instead of purchasing new ones. If you’re looking for sustainable clothing, then check out sustainable swimwear brands that are made from ocean plastic and ethically produced. You could also go for investment pieces and spend a little more money on pieces that will last longer. Don’t be afraid to wear the same outfit more than once!



Don’t worry, you can still have your English breakfast. However more and more experts are recommending that we all cut down on our meat consumption, not just for our health but also for the environment. Reducing the amount of red meat we eat will significantly reduce our carbon footprints – so why not try introducing meat-free Mondays? You’ll find some super easy veggie meal ideas and recipes online!

Eat less meat

Try to cut out plastic

You’ll find that most of us want to cut our dependence on single use plastics. But it’s not made easy. Especially when fruit and veg are wrapped tightly in plastic and polyethene for seemingly no reason! Try to by loose fruit and veg and treat yourself to a gorgeous netted fruit and veg bag. Try to buy your milk in cardboard cartons rather than plastic and try to remember your bags for life when you hit the supermarket. You can also check out this guide on zero waste living which is extremely informative on the top 15 ways to trash-free living. 

Reducing your carbon footprint means less of an impact on the planet. So taking the simplest of steps like turning lights off when you leave the room and not leaving the TV on standby will help too!

Turn everything off
