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[dropcap]S[/dropcap]o it’s the summer holidays, Disneyland is at full capacity with little kids running around with Mickey Mouse ears and screaming with delight for 6 weeks. But the summer can become a really expensive time of the year, as every day they need fun things to do to occupy their time. So today to help out all the hard working parents who are stuck on a budget and need some crafty new ideas to keep their children entertained then you’ve come to the right post for some fresh activities. 

Firstly, who doesn’t love colouring in and doodling? It’s so therapeutic, and it’s something that anyone in the family can get involved with and don’t cost all that much. Even buying something as simple as Rainbow Chalk Markers can be a super versatile form of entertainment. 

Here’s a few of my favourite craft ideas: 

Doodling on plant pots – not only can they make something super special for the house, you can also teach them about plants, how to maintain flowers and see the excitement when their seeds turn into something beautiful. 

Creating a blackboard – the beauty of blackboard’s is that they’re easily cleanable, and removes all temptation from kids wanting to draw all over the walls. 

Make bunting – why not make party bunting to hang around the house, and have a tea party? 


Take them to the beach

As long as you’ve got a beach nearby, grab a cheap bucket and spade and hit up the glorious beaches with a picnic. With the UK weather lately, it’s a great excuse to see the sun, sand and sea! Always remember to take sunscreen and a sunhat for your kids. 

We all know how indecisive kids can be, and how you can buy them a present and it’s not even recognised – kids are one huge gamble on their interests. So hit up the local library and get them to pick out a couple of books they’d like to read, the children’s section is always brimming with hundreds of books, so the possibilities are endless. 

Visit the library
