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Photo by Chang Duong on Unsplash


The end of lockdown is finally in sight. Everyone is planning what they want to do when we’re all finally able to leave the house and do what we want. Sadly, a lot of people lost their jobs due to the pandemic and most sectors suffered in some way. 


So how can we all help, even if it’s in a small way, to rebuild our society and economy? 

Spend your money wisely

Small, independent businesses have been some of the worst affected over the last year. When deciding where to spend your money, think of supporting local independents. This doesn’t mean being anti big business, after all, they employ a lot of people too, but take the time (and money) to support independent retailers and small business where you can. 


The country’s tourism industry will be looking for a shot in the arm too so consider a staycation or minibreak alongside any foreign holidays you’re planning. There are so many great places in the UK to visit, whether you’re looking to head to the coast, countryside or on an activity break. By staying local, the knock-on effect on the economy can be huge. 

Reach out to people

The far-reaching effects of the pandemic don’t end when lockdown does. Many people have lost loved ones over the past year or been affected mentally and physically in other ways. The mental health implications have been huge for both adults and children.  The fallout from this is likely to last a long time. So take the time to reach out to friends, family and colleagues and make sure they’re doing OK. Many people aren’t comfortable asking for help so you might need to take the first step in reaching out. 

Help people rebuild their careers

Through no fault of their own, many people lost their jobs. Young people and women were particularly badly affected. Even if you think that you’re not in a position to help anyone, you probably are. Offer to help people with their CVs or repost the profiles of people seeking work on LinkedIn or Twitter. 

Hold on to anything good that came out of COVID-19

While it’s difficult to put any kind of difficult spin on COVID-19, the entire experience has had some positive outcomes. For example, you’ve probably been starting a lot of sentences with ‘when things get back to normal I’m going to…’. Remember what it is you wanted to do and do it. Whether this is seeing family and friends more, getting outside, taking up a hobby or travelling, do it. 


If you’ve picked up any good habits such as exercising regularly or learning to budget more effectively, keep these things going. 

Final thoughts

It’s going to take a long time before things feel normal again. The last year has brought big challenges for everyone, but now that we can cautiously look forward to getting on with our lives again, we need to do our best to try and support and rebuild our friends, family and economy. 

