Tips And Tricks To Increase Milk Supply

Milk Supply Isn’t Always As It Should Be

Certainly, there are mothers who must contend with perpetually engorged breasts during and after pregnancy. More often, though, milk supply lags for one reason or another. 

Thankfully, the majority of women are in a situation where they can increase milk supply naturally without too much trouble. Following we’ll briefly explore three ways to do that.

  1. When The Baby Is Hungry, Nurse – Get In “The Cycle”

The way your body works is quite astonishing. Owing to psychological factors, hormones, brain structure, and feminine anatomy, your body should “sync up” to the baby’s needs in a natural way. What throws this off are daily schedules and routines. Think about birth in a “natural” environment totally apart from modernity.

A mother would naturally have to recover from a rough birth in the old days, so her waking, sleeping, and nourishment would generally keep time with the needs of the baby. Accordingly, in olden days, breastfeeding sync-up was easier. Today, modern issues make it so that sync can be an issue.

There are several ways to get around this. For one, remember poor feeding sync will likely impact milk supply—you won’t have enough when the baby is hungry, and you’ll be mildly engorged when the newborn couldn’t be bothered to nurse. So first, figure out when the baby is hungry, and feed at those times. Bottle milk with breast pumps in the interim.

Once you’re on a good schedule, then just stay in it as best you can, and if you miss a feeding for whatever reason, be sure to use the breast pumps so you neither become engorged, or get “out of sync” with the baby’s feeding patterns. You can read WebMD’s take on feeding schedules here.

  1. Consider Advice From Experts Drawing On Experience

Generalized options for advice in mothering through groups like WebMD don’t represent the only resource out there. Groups like Nest Collaborative have made it their aim to provide the best information on motherhood for new and more experienced mothers.

As an example of their work, here’s a great little blog post on milk production. It’s also notable that cross-nursing is an option if you’re totally unable to produce milk—this is essentially the modern equivalent of what a “wet nurse” did a few generations ago.

  1. Consume More Nutrients, Rest More, Alternate Breasts

Every time you feed, several hundred calories are extracted. How many calories, exactly, will depend a little bit on the baby. Larger babies do tend to eat a little more. If you’ve got twins, then you’ll have as many calories go out of you during most feedings as an average thirty minute workout—perhaps even more.

If you’re not eating and drinking enough, that’s going to sap your energy fast, and may well make it hard for you to consistently produce milk. Accordingly, eat right, drink right, and do both in proper balance in reference to the needs of both you and the baby. Something else you need to do is rest, because the body needs time to recuperate.You could also check out this article from for a more detailed guide on how to increase your milk supply for breastfeeding your infant. Give your lactating mother a treat with Clookies delectable and nutritious breastmilk bakes!

Once you’ve got nutrient consumption and rest mastered, be sure you’re alternating breasts—this can additionally help stimulate consistent milk production.

More Consistent Lactation

Essentially, get your body on the same feeding schedule as the baby’s needs. Explore what experts like those at the Nest Collaborative link have to offer. Eat and drink more, rest more, and alternate breasts as you feed. Such action should increase milk supply.
