Gain More Customers with Video Marketing

Gain more customers with video marketing, used in addition to your traditional advertising avenues. It allows existing and potential clients a virtual one on one interaction with you and a series can be expanded easily to continue the relationship between you and them. The two main elements that you need to consider when making a video for your business is what to put into it that will appeal to your specific target market and how to expand on the series successfully. Additionally you can use the help of special services that attract traffic to the website you upload your videos to such as subscriberz.

What to Put in a Video
Consider what your target market is looking for. The main trick to good advertising is to show the viewers what you can do for them to make their lives easier, better or more successful. Think about what makes you stand out from the competition and showcase it when trying to gain more customers with video marketing. The first one you create should be as personable as it can be. Talk to the viewers rather than the camera. If at all possible, use a survey place or other polling service to ask your target market beforehand about their concerns and questions. Put the results in the video for your business. A script example to accomplish this would be, “We here at such-in-such company have researched what matters to you the most. According to our survey…” and then have a concrete plan on delivering what they want.

How to Expand
At the end of the video for your business, offer the viewers a place where they can call or write with their individual questions, concerns and needs. As you create more videos, read some of the letters and emails to keep developing these virtual personable relationships with your clients. Continue taking surveys and polls to stay on top of changing wants and desires in your specific target market. Make your viewers feel like an old friend that they can turn to, as well as a place they can buy quality products or services from. If you develop a trustworthy reputation as a company that will go the extra mile to please customers, the competition that is less visual with their advertisements will fade away.

How to Market it
The highest quality of advertisements will not matter if no one sees them. Make sure to put time and energy into showcasing your video series on your websites and in print ads as well. Make it easy for visitors to find and watch them. After enough interest in the series is gained, word of mouth should take care of the rest. Do not overlook social networking sites, or other free sites that allow users to upload videos, for advertising to accomplish this. Create an entertaining snippet of your ad and post it everywhere. To gain more customers with video marketing, as in any advertising venture, you have to go to where your potential customers are. With the Internet getting more and more vast every day, you can bet you will find many hanging out online.
