Struggling With Hair Loss? Here’s What Need To Know About Hair Transplantation
Some people suddenly experience a slowdown in their hair growth, and encounter increased hair loss. Areas of thinness or bald patches may manifest themselves over time. In the first instance, it’s common for people to speak to a doctor or to reassess their diet and hair care. They may also try such drugs as Minoxidil or Finasteride.
Perhaps you have an issue with your hair and have tried essential oils, daily scalp massages, or given up smoking. It may be that despite all you’ve done, you’re still battling with the same problem. Sadly it’s not a rare thing, and that’s why so many people consider having hair transplants. If this is you right now, there may be a lot of questions. If that’s the case, this article will go some way towards answering them. Make sure to follow the below points before getting a hair transplant London.
Understand The Cause
It’s important that people discover the reason for their hair loss. It could be a lack of zinc in their body, stress, or a hormonal imbalance. In other cases, it could be a side effect of medication or a sign of poor diet. If someone has sustained a burn on their head or a scalp injury they may experience hair loss in that area too. For many men, however, it’s just a sign of getting older.
If a woman has thinning hair or a man has male pattern baldness, a transplant may well be an option.
Do Some Online Research
There are many specialist websites that provide free advice on hair transplants and enable folk to connect to the clinics themselves.
Brisbane is said to have over 2.4 million people in 2021, and the numbers increase every year. When it comes to hair loss specialists in Brisbane, many are contacted online in order to set up a consultation. Thanks to phone assessments and subsequent diagnoses, people are able to ask questions and seek painless microsurgery.
You Need To Find The Right Surgeon
Many clinic websites display customer reviews and reveal how long a doctor has been in practice. You can learn about their experience and qualifications, and the help you’d receive should there be any problems.
If a particular surgeon has performed a large number of transplant procedures, this should give you peace of mind that they know what they’re doing.
A Follicular Unit Transplantation (the strip method) involves moving a patch of skin from the back of your head (containing 1-4 hairs) for grafting.
A Follicular Unit Extraction moves one hair at a time, which usually takes longer. For this reason, the procedure could involve more than one session. An FUE is the most popular procedure of the two, although a FUT is quicker and cheaper.
Managing The Side Effects
Whilst you could be back to work in just a matter of days, you must be gentle on the affected area following the procedure. This is key while the grafts establish themselves. Whilst you could probably remove your bandages after 2-5 days you shouldn’t touch the area, and you should only wash it (gently) on the sixth day.
There may be some soreness where you’ve had the transplant, but this could be relieved by taking pain medication. Antibiotics could be prescribed to protect you from infection and anti-inflammatories could help minimize the swelling.
What Could Go Wrong
Hair transplants are usually safe procedures, although there are occasional issues. In some instances, a person may experience bleeding or an infection. Just as with any medical procedure, some people are allergic to anesthetics.
Skin grafts are like organ transplants in that they occasionally don’t take. If this occurred the hair would fall out and a scar would develop in that area. Some patients develop swollen scalps after the procedure or experience bruising around the eyes. Others may experience numbness or a lack of sensation.
The Aftercare And Results
The clinic will provide aftercare following the procedure, prescribing medication where required. They will also be available for any further queries or issues should they arise.
Several weeks after the transplant it is normal for the hair to fall out ready for new growth. After six months there should be signs of new hair and after a maximum of 18 months, it should all be on display.
For the majority of people facing this microsurgery, there is a painless and straightforward procedure ahead of them. Whilst it will take a while before a patient can fully appreciate the results, the improvement may well be permanent. The new hair should look and grow in an identical way to the original hair.