When Should You Actually Start Worrying About Spider Veins?

People usually get paranoid over spider veins since they fear an approaching health hazard, or it’s generally not something they want to wake up looking at. That is why some people choose to get it removed, mainly because of physical discomfort. Spider veins are usually not harmful, yet in certain cases, they can indicate serious vein disease like that of varicose veins.

What are Spider Veins?

Spider veins, also called telangiectasias, are tiny veins visible on the skin’s surface. They appear in red, blue, or purple and give an impression of webbing out. Spider veins are distinct from varicose veins and are not considered that harmful. However, the presence of spider veins may indicate poor blood circulation, which further points to the development of varicose veins. So apart from the removal of spider veins just being a cosmetic procedure, it may, a lot of times, prove to be a healthy and sound choice.

What are the causes of spider veins?

Any cases of increased blood pressure or sun damage to your skin can lead to the bursting of tiny blood vessels, which then causes spider veins on your body. Spider veins in the legs can be caused when the valves inside the veins stop working efficiently. 

The function of veins is to carry the blood back to the heart and prevent the blood from flowing backward, and the veins contain a one-way valve when the blood passes through it. Any damage to the valve will cause the blood to soak in the wrong direction and further drive the blood to pool inside the vein. This additionally causes a bulge in the vein that ultimately branches out as spider veins. 

When to worry about spider veins?

Research shows that most people do get spider veins during their lifetime, which makes it a very common concern. As said above, it is generally harmless, but in some instances, one may experience slight pain or irritation in the concerned area. Further down, we have mentioned some symptoms and early warning signs, which will help you know when you should be worrying about their presence on your body. The more promptly and quickly you react to these warning signs, the better the chances of you controlling, correcting, and curing it.

Some Common Symptoms and Warning Signs of Spider Veins

  • Severe and regular leg pain
  • Ankles, legs, and feet swelling
  • Periodic heaviness or a dull ache in the legs
  • Red and painful veins which feel warm
  • Bleeding from veins or from a slight injury
  • Inflamed itchy skin around veins
  • Ulcers and open skin wounds that develop automatically

Spider veins may not be that much of a concern usually, but they do have the potential of growing into a significant health concern over the years. So if you experience any of the above symptoms, you should schedule consistent screenings. 

When do you need to see a doctor?

If you notice any spider veins and are concerned about your circulatory health, you should consult specialized doctors as soon as possible. The doctor can perform various non-invasive tests to assess the health of your veins. If the pain is not severe, a doctor might suggest self-care at home, an increased level of exercise, compression stockings, high feet, and use of pain medications. There are many certified doctors who are well renowned and equipped to deal with vein health, and one of them is Dr. Rahul Sood from Vein Center

Health Tips

Many factors go into maintaining your vein health. Besides partly being hereditary, it is also a result of lifestyle. Factors like smoking, obesity, pregnancy, etc., can make matters worse. Here are a few health tips you should follow to prevent spider veins-

  • Do not sit or stand for prolonged periods.
  • If you are sitting for long durations, get up every 30 minutes, and take a walk.
  • Elevate the legs a little higher whenever possible. You can use the arm of a chair or a pillow to support them.
  • Regular exercise will help you get your blood flowing and relieve veins by pooling blood. 
  • If you are overweight, start a healthy diet and try to lose weight.
  • Wear compression stockings, especially on long trips or when sitting for long periods.


Here is a round-up of when one should take spider veins seriously and opt for its treatment. Regular inspection and following the health tips we mentioned will help to get rid of them as early as possible. So don’t let them be a concern for you anymore. 

