Been Offered a Job Overseas? Here’s What to Consider

Been Offered a Job Overseas? Here’s What to Consider

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Sometimes our jobs take us in unexpected directions. They may see us enter career paths we didn’t originally intend to. They can increase our income and provide us with a better quality of life. One option some of us may be faced with at some point or another is relocating for our roles. This can be a difficult decision, even if the move is just to a different city, state or county. But when you’re offered a position overseas, the decision can become even more difficult. Often we struggle to come to a conclusion, as we’re offered great perks but a completely different way of life. Here are some things to take into consideration before agreeing to anything or signing any contracts.

What Are the Perks?

First, you need to decide what the perks are of moving overseas and whether they justify such a big overhaul on your life. Are you being offered a significantly larger salary? Are you being offered better private healthcare packages? Will your children’s schooling or your accommodation be paid for? Are you getting a significant promotion? You should be getting something good in exchange for the big move.

Where Are You Being Asked to Move to?

Do you actually want to live in the country you’re being asked to move to? Is it somewhere that appeals to you? What’s the climate like? Do you speak the native language used there? Is it a safe place? Are there things to do there? It’s a good idea to visit the place you’re considering moving to before agreeing to anything. This will give you a feel for the local area and can help better inform your ultimate decision.

How Does Your Family Feel About the Move?

If you’re single and independent, this may not apply to you. But if you have a partner, children or others who are dependent on you, you need to consider them in this move too. Do they want to up and move for your job? Is it something everyone will be excited about, or would they be begrudging? Big moves can have a huge impact on your relationships, so determine how everyone involved feels before applying for a spouse visa extension and completing other paperwork.

Is It Permanent?

Sometimes, you will only be asked to move temporarily, which can make the decision much easier. It can be seen as a bit of a getaway or break. But if the move is permanent, you’re probably going to have to mull things over a little more. Ask your workplace for more insight into the future of this role and where you can expect it to take you on a professional level.

As you can see, there really is a lot to keep in mind when it comes to deciding whether to accept a job offer overseas or not. The areas highlighted above should help you to make the right decision for you and the others who rely on you in your life.
