How To Resign From A Remote Job The Right Way

How To Resign From A Remote Job The Right Way

How To Resign From A Remote Job The Right Way

Resigning from a job shouldn’t be too dramatic or difficult. The reasons for resigning may vary from the inability to render work efficiently due to a medical condition, or a better job may offer professional growth.

The process involves handing over a formal letter addressed to a superior or the head of human resources, indicating the reason for leaving work, and the date on which the last day of work will be rendered.

In a remote job, the process of resignation is similar. Depending on the company policy, the individual may need a personal appearance to surrender company-issued equipment. The resignation letter on the other hand may be sent via email.

Here are some considerations you need to think about when you resign from a remote job.

  1. Analyze the reason for leaving the job carefully.

As part of a company, you will realize that leaving your post has implications. Production may be affected, as well as the hours of your co-workers. Although big companies don’t necessarily have to look out for potential resignations, small companies suffer the most from employee attrition.

If you resign from a job months after a company is stable, you’ve helped your boss and your co-workers more. If the resignation can’t wait, talking to your boss might be a better first move.

  1. Discuss your intent to resign with your boss.

Letting company owners know that you are leaving your job gives them time to plan for the transition. This will also clear up any misunderstanding that is not otherwise obvious in a resignation letter.

If your immediate superior cannot understand the circumstances regarding your resignation, then your HR Department (assuming your work in a big company) can help you transition out from work.

If you’re working remotely, you may need to schedule a call or a videoconference with your boss or HR department to discuss the matter.

  1. Preparing a well-written resignation letter.

Whether you’re working remotely or not, resignation involves a formal letter. Your resignation letter should contain the following basic information:

  • To Whom it is addressed to
  • The reason for leaving the job
  • Last day of work
  • Updated contact information

It’s a nice finishing touch to include a statement about your gratitude for being part of the company as it displays a level of professionalism and commitment to your job. Other resignation letters also include a statement on one’s participation to make the process easier, hence the need for an updated contact number or an email address.

  1. Make the exit as short and as simple as possible.

While some companies require extensive conversations with employees who plan to resign, it’s always best to be direct with your intentions. It’s a place of business and owners understand why a person in their company would want to resign.

Some tips to exit gracefully from a company:

  • Maintain a level of work ethic to let your boss know that you’re leaving not out of spite but for valid reasons.
  • Don’t publicize your resignation – other people might become too inquisitive of the details, and they have no business to do so.
  • Inform your supervisor of the tasks you are able to complete and do not take up job responsibilities that may require you to stay longer.
  • Don’t speak ill of the workplace or any of the staff inside a company.

While this list may differ from other places of employment, it covers all the basic information on how to resign from a job properly.
