7 Habits Of Tech-Savvy Parents

7 Habits Of Tech-Savvy Parents

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Parenting isn’t what it used to be. It’s much more complex. It’s not just about providing a healthy home environment for children and then allowing them to get on with it. Instead, parents are now seen as stewards, responsible for every little thing that their children do!

Part of the problem for families is that they don’t currently understand the tech landscape, which is a bit of a minefield. Unfortunately, this is putting their kids at risk and also causing them to miss out on various opportunities.

In this post, therefore, we run through some of the habits of tech-savvy parents and what they can do to improve outcomes for their children. Check them out below: 

Habit #1: They Schedule Distraction-Free Hours During The Day

With so much technology lying around the house, it’s almost impossible for kids to experience life distraction-free. There’s just so much going on. 

That’s why tech-savvy parents regularly schedule distraction-free hours during the day. This is a special time that they set aside, away from electronics, for children to explore other aspects of the world. 

Some parents take this to the extreme, insisting that all time be distraction-free before a certain age. This gives time for kids to develop their coordination and independence before getting hooked up to the internet and social media. 

Habit #2: They Use Technology To Support Their Kids

Technology isn’t always a bad thing. In fact, it has tremendous educational value if used in the right way. You could enrol your child on elearning courses, download books for them to read or expose them to educational videos. 

Habit #3: They Put Security Measures In Place

The internet is, potentially, a dangerous place. There are all sorts of hazards lurking, including inappropriate content, bullies, and predators. For that reason, parents need to put protection in place. 

Family Orbit – parental control app – contends that software is the answer. With the right apps running on your child’s devices, you can protect them against a lot of the problems they might encounter. 

Savvy parents also spend a lot of time educating their children about proper conduct online. They point out that it’s not always risk-free. They educate them on the importance of never handing out personal information or sending photos to others, even if they seem like friends. 

Habit #4: They Put Limits On Screen Time

Many children will spend all day on their devices (to the exclusion of virtually everything else). But it’s not good for them. There’s an opportunity cost involved. They don’t have time to experience the real-world and get to grips with it. 

For that reason, many parents put strict limits on screen time using various apps, such as Screen Time. 

The idea is simple: you limit the amount of time per day that the phone can be active. For some parents, this will be 30 minutes. For others, it’ll be three hours. Pick a time duration that you feel is appropriate for your child and then run with it. 

Habit #5: They Regularly Talk About The Rules For Using Technology

Parents know that if they don’t repeat themselves, their children won’t always listen to what they say. That’s why they regularly talk about technology-related rules. They know that saying them over and over again means that it’s more likely for them to sink in. 

Habit #6: They Offer Grace Periods

Kids are likely to eventually make a mistake online. But when they do, it is more important for parents to encourage open dialog than it is for them to punish. That’s why many parents have a 24-hour grace period. As long as the child comes forward and admits their mistake within the specified time, they can escape punishment. 

Habit #7: They Set An Example

Kids and parents shouldn’t browse the internet separately. Instead, it’s something that they should do together. When adults show children the way that it should be done, they are less likely to make mistakes of their own.

If you haven’t already, try sitting down with your child and browsing the internet on a table. Also, go on social media with them, both on their accounts and yours, to show them proper conduct. 

The more experience that your children have, the more adept they will be at navigating the challenges of modern technology. Kids who get ahead of the curve will be better equipped to face the challenges coming down the pike, such as VR, the Facebook Metaverse and artificial intelligence. These new technologies will be considerably more powerful than those that have gone before. 
