Immigration Dreams & Italian Bloodline- How They Make A Perfect Pair

Immigration Dreams & Italian Bloodline- How They Make A Perfect Pair

Immigration Dreams & Italian Bloodline- How They Make A Perfect Pair

Immigration is no longer a rare thing for Americans as thousands of them move to other parts of the world every year. Starting life afresh is the motivation behind the decision for most immigrants. But some associate immigration dreams with ancestral roots in another country. Some countries offer citizenship by descent, making it easy to claim the right through your bloodline. Italy is one such destination where you can leverage the perfect combination of your ancestral roots and immigration dreams. If you want to get more information, Bersani Law Firm provides a great guide here for you. Let us explain how you can make your dreams come true by claiming citizenship through your Italian bloodline.

Eligibility requirements are simple

Italian citizenship by descent is perhaps the simplest way to achieve your immigration goals. The eligibility requirements are simple, and you can qualify in most cases. An Italian parent gets you in, and so do the generations before. You only have to prove they were a citizen of the country after its formation and unification in 1861. Also, verify that they had not been naturalized elsewhere before having the next in line. If you fulfill these requirements, go ahead with the application.

You can get in even with an exception

If you have a maternal bloodline in Italy, you may fall under an exception. Italian women couldn’t pass on citizenship rights to their children before 1948. If your relative gave birth before this year, you cannot qualify for Jure Sanguinis. But you can get in even with an exception with the 1948 Rule. It involves a court process, but it is less daunting than you imagine.

A citizenship professional can help

The Italian citizenship by descent process is relatively straightforward, but professional guidance always helps. You can rely on experts to show you the way from start to end. Further, they can also help you gather local documents such as certificates of birth, marriage, and death of your ancestor. It is much easier to let an expert do it for you instead of traveling to Italy and accessing decades-old records without connections. 

You can apply from anywhere

Your bloodline in Italy puts you in a vantage position when it comes to getting Italian citizenship. You can even apply without traveling to Italy. All you need to do is submit your application at the nearly Italian consulate in your country of residence. The process may take a bit longer than applying from within Italy, but it saves you the cost of traveling and staying in Italy. 

Citizenship passes on to the next generations

Ancestral roots in Italy do not just fulfill your immigration dreams. They also make the next generations eligible too. Your citizenship rights pass on to your children and beyond without any extra work. It is a great opportunity to get dual citizenship that lets them live and work in Italy. They can travel visa-free to the EU states and access quality education and healthcare in the country. You couldn’t bequeath a better gift to the generations to come. 

If you have an Italian bloodline, you should chase your immigration dreams sooner rather than later. Follow them and get the opportunity to live in one of the best immigration destinations in the world. 
