What are the potential causes of hair loss in men and women?

What are the potential causes of hair loss in men and women?

What are the potential causes of hair loss in men and women?

You are not alone if you think that your hair may be thinning. Hair loss can be devastating. Dermatologists often see hair loss among their patients, and treatment is usually possible. Finding out why it’s happening in the first step and starting early is crucial.

Regardless of the cause of hair loss, alopecia is the medical term. Most people think that trt hair loss only occurs in men, but overall, women will experience noticeable hair loss during their lifetime. Among the signs of alopecia are loss of precise edges and receding hairline; over time, bald spots appear, hair thinning, and widening of the hairline.

  1. Hormonal imbalances

Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) may experience female pattern baldness. 

You may want to have your hormone levels tested if you have more obvious hair loss and any of the following symptoms like excess hair growth on the face or body, acne, and irregular periods.

Hair growth can also be affected by other factors that change your hormone levels, like pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, and hypothyroidism. If your medications affect your hormone levels, even changing your medication routine can thin your hair. Some women can experience hair loss when they stop taking birth control pills. With proper treatment, hair loss can usually be slowed down or reversed.

  1. Age

People of all ages experience hair loss and hair thinning as they age. In general, we continually grow and die off cells throughout our lives, but we lose more cells than we replace when we get older. It is why our bones lose strength and our skin thins out. The same is true for our hair.

We also produce less oil in our scalps as we age, which leads to brittle and weak hair. Hair loss and thinning can also result as result. A condition is known as androgenetic alopecia, or pattern hair loss can lead to more severe hair loss with age.

  1. Genetics

Age is a factor in the most common form of hair loss, androgenetic alopecia. Many men and women in the United States suffer from this type of hair loss, commonly referred to as female or male hair loss patterns. It begins in young adulthood and gradually worsens with age. This hair loss often begins at the temples and spreads to the top of men’s heads. Additionally, the top of the head may be thinned.

First, it becomes apparent where you divide your hair, but it gradually thins out all over. Typically the hair part will widen, but the hairline will remain the same.

  1. Infections

Infections of the scalp can cause losing hair. Bacterial infection occurs when yeast, fungi, or bacteria multiply and invade hair follicles. Redness and swelling may occur. It may even feel painful. You must contact your dermatologist if you notice any of these symptoms. The most common reason for hair loss in children is fungus infections of the scalp. Sharing hats and scarves can prevent it.

  1. Chemotherapy and radiation

When a patient is diagnosed with cancer and needs to undergo chemotherapy or radiation, the fear of losing their hair can be very real. A fast-growing cell population causes cancer. These cells are often killed off with chemotherapy drugs, so they won’t grow into tumors or spread. Chemotherapy, however, can affect your hair as well because hair follicle cells also grow quickly.

  1. Deficiencies in nutrition

Telogen effluvium can be chronic. Shedding of this type begins slower and lasts longer (over six months). Nutritional deficiencies can cause it. Low iron, vitamin D, and zinc levels have been linked to hair loss. Supplements can usually correct vitamin deficiencies. Before taking any new supplements, always talk to your provider.
