How to Use Complementary Colors in the Interior

How to Use Complementary Colors in  the Interior

How to Use Complementary Colors in the Interior

Complementarity (from the Latin complementum) – addition. That is, these are the colors that best complement each other. There is an Itten color circle, which is often used in design, graphics, and art. Opposite colors in this circle form the brightest combinations. For example: red + green, yellow + purple, blue + orange. According to this principle, warm suits every cold color.

How to Use Them Correctly in the Interior

Each color has a certain emotional impact. Various color combinations in the interior excite or soothe, lift the mood, encourage action, creativity, even love. Each of us knows our comfortable colors. But it is easier to name those that do not exactly suit us.

Professionals often advise customers not to be categorical in choosing a color because you can choose the right shade for each. It is necessary to take into account its tone, saturation, and brightness. This applies to everything – walls, curtains, kitchen. Even such a detail as floors has numerous possibilities to choose from. Just check the, and you’ll see that there is an option for every situation and design.

Most people tend to choose neutral tones of the environment. This is a safe way to harmonize the interior. However, do not be afraid to add at least a little color to everyday life in small portions – in furniture or decor.

A complementary interior palette is a bold step: the bright interior testifies to the brightness of its owner. Such interiors are usually the homes of creative people. Large planes and details can be combined in color in the interior. Everything can be colored, even the ceiling.

Now it looks a bit outdated when all the walls in the room are the same color and the ceiling is white. Or when all the chairs at the dining table are the same color and shape. When the pillows on the sofa are the same and the bedside tables are the same. You don’t need to paint everything in different colors of the color wheel, just choose two active opposite (complementary) colors that will intersect in the planes of all rooms. 

Combine the color of the wall with the color of the door or the facades of the wardrobe with bed linen or kitchen facades with furniture elements in the living room. When choosing a tile joint, combine it not with the tile itself but, for example, with the furniture in the bathroom.

What Are the Rules for Using Colors

When combining colors, you should choose a rich tone as a basis, complementing it with a soft shade located opposite. If you are not sure that rich color is comfortable for you, but you want to add colors to a neutral base – choose halftones, light color gradations. In order not to be mistaken with the shades, you can use ready-made selections that can be found online.
