Is life currently a series of obstacles blocking you from the wonderful world of crafting? Arts and crafts aren’t activities solely reserved for young kiddos or older ladies. These playful, calming, and creative pastimes provide limitless benefits—and are worth taking time for.
When you’re not outside safely enjoying the sunshine during the warmer seasons, seek out new crafting projects to try. Here are some of the most popular needlework trends you can take a stab at.
Outside the Hoop: 3D Embroidery
Embroidery has changed dramatically in recent years, especially with state-of-the-art techniques and expressive creativity. Thinking outside the hoop is all the rage among current participants of this traditional craft. Certain modern designs lift up—and even off—the material. After getting the basics down solid, embroiders of varied skill levels can learn to create raised and three-dimensional designs in professional classes or self-taught tutorial videos.
The Macramé Movement
Another craft movement sweeping the needlework nation is that of boho-chic macramé. Macramé originates from centuries-old hand-loom weaving. This versatile and aesthetically-pleasing weave style is still trending for a reason. Participants in this craft only need a few cord supplies—and knowledge of basic knots—to create elaborate and eye-catching pieces. The possibilities are endless for the creation of plant holders or wall hangings.
Sashiko: The Art of Decorative Mending
This Japanese artform is all about bringing pieces beautifully together with running stitches. Sashiko designs are perfect for novice and practiced stitchers alike. For this reason, this technique for embroidering textiles and accessories is one of the most popular needlework trends and crafting projects to try. Sashiko, Japanese for little stabs, involves stitching for either functional or decorative purposes. Many use this meditative needlework to mend worn-out clothes artistically or adorn garments intricately.
Modern Needlepoint Canvases
Needlepoint—diverse from classic embroidery and cross-stitch techniques—is a trending needlework craft completed by hand on canvas. Participants can creatively incorporate sparkly or metallic threads into a square-by-square design or use an assortment of curated kits to complete a stylish pattern. This surface embroidery technique is popular for use on fabric-based projects to display in your living spaces.
All things considered, the above needlework arts and crafts are no longer deemed archaic in nature. Explore these likable and pleasurable pastimes to create unique, colorful, and one-of-a-kind pieces you can treasure for years to come.