5 Different Ways to Communicate Effectively in a Workplace
Image source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/coworkers-working-together-at-the-office-6592405/
Whether you’re a manager, assistant, or any other role in the company, you need to learn how to communicate effectively in the workplace. Besides general manners, communication is usually a part of workplace ethics you need to follow. Strong communication skills will help you improve teamwork and achieve the wanted results in the workplace.
Communication skills can also help you and your team be more productive, flexible, and satisfied with work. However, it can be the main source of misunderstanding in the workplace. That’s why you need to understand the different ways to communicate and how to utilize it during work.
Face to face
The easiest and most common way to interact with your colleagues is verbal, face to face. Even though other verbal ways of communication exist, such as written communication, talking to your peers directly is the most beneficial. Verbal communication can help you and others solve possible misunderstandings and work on achieving common goals. How to do so effectively in the workplace?
Did you know that you can be bad, even horrible, at verbal communication? If you don’t provide concrete feedback or focus solely on your needs, the quality of work relationships with colleagues will be decreased. So, organize one-on-one meetings, be open yet assertive, and consider the other side when communicating. If you really need to enhance departmental communication, consider employing a collaborative meeting management system that can help plan and strategize meetings more effectively. This software can be tailored depending on who your meeting is with and helps you organize your data, making your communication more streamlined.
Nonverbal cues
Will you believe a crying person if they say they are okay? No matter what people say, following nonverbal cues will help you understand them better. Just like you’re analyzing your colleagues’ gestures and facial expressions, they are likely watching you as well! So, how can you become better when it comes to communicating nonverbally?
To improve your communication skills in no time, practice your nonverbal communication and body language in front of a mirror. That way you can appear more confident, yet avoid possible misunderstandings. Be aware of the emotional work. Displaying emotions you don’t feel can be burdened, so try to avoid that to maintain your mental health!
Virtual interactions
We live in a modern world where the internet is used daily to communicate. This makes interactions with international teams so much easier! Time zones become less of an issue if you don’t expect a reply instantly. All you need to do is agree on an adequate platform where you’ll be able to communicate smoothly and without interruptions. Why are virtual interactions so important?
Since remote work almost completely replaced work from the office, various platforms help employees stay in touch and complete their work. Consider multi-feature platforms such as Blink that offer more than one option. You can communicate, share files as well as read company news from your smartphone or laptop. The choice is yours!
Cultural differences
A lot of people now work in multi-cultural teams. Whether you operate online or work from the office, knowing how to communicate with people who come from various backgrounds can save you from headaches! Being mindful of such differences can prevent unintentional insulting and disrespect. So, how you can communicate taking into consideration cultural differences?
Firstly, chances are not everyone speaks the same language as you do flawlessly. So, instead of mocking, try to help your colleague learn. On top of that, research their culture to find out what is acceptable in communication and what is not. While face-to-face communication can help you understand each other better, written communication allows your coworkers to take time to think of a reply in another language. So, keep those in mind!
5. Listening
Listening is a crucial part of communication that is frequently overlooked. It can help us understand people better and be more empathetic towards their struggles and experience. Even though this skill is vital for workplace communication not everyone is a good listener. Luckily, this skill can be learned and improved over time!
A good listener is someone who not only hears what the other person is saying but truly understands the meaning of those words. To become a good listener, you can also practice reflecting and asking questions that will help you obtain a comprehensive understanding of the matter. In fact, it can improve work relations and keep other employees happier and more satisfied. Who knows, maybe they have fantastic ideas on how to improve workflow?! All you need to do is listen!
Final thoughts
Communication is a two-way process that requires people to both speak and listen to the other person. These are the core ways of communicating with colleagues and improving the overall work atmosphere. If every employee tried to improve their communication skills, virtual or actual offices would become a better place for everyone!
Eve Anderson is a marketing specialist turned blogger. Interested in sports and exciting travel destinations. Love to share content that can inform people.