How To Create Wavey Hair Using Only A Brush
Wavey hair has become increasingly popular in recent years. Much of this is to do with the fact it can be worn for almost any occasion. It gives you a relaxed but professional feel.
Best of all, you’ll love the look in the mirror and this will boost your confidence, especially during the summer months.
The good news is that it’s easy to create a wavey look. All you need is a hot brush that you can check out here for a few minutes of your time. They are high-quality ones supplied by Oz Hair and Beauty. It’s hard to choose a better look in the summer!
Drying Your Hair
The first step to wavey hair is to let it dry and create volume at the same time. You can do this naturally by running your fingers through your hair periodically to increase the volume.
However, you may find it quicker and easier to use your hairdryer. Keep the hairdryer one foot away from your hair, this increases volume, you don’t need any special features on the hair dryer. While doing this twist your hair periodically with your fingers. It will help to increase volume.
Separate It
Once you’ve dried your hair you can separate it into sections. It doesn’t matter how many or how few you make, the key is to create sections that you can easily work with.
Once you’ve separated your hair into sections you can use your hot brush to create the waves. Simply run it through the sections you’ve just created and hold them for a few seconds. Ideally, you should do one inch of hair at a time. Even if you have a lot of hair it won’t take long.
If you wish you can alternate the sections of your hair. Either change the barrel size of your hot brush or switch between curling tongs and a straightener. This will prevent the curls from being too neat and unnatural. Switching and alternating, almost at random, creates a more natural feel.
Protect It
Before you start using heat styling tools it's advisable to use a heat protection spray on your hair. This will help to protect it from damage, particularly from loss of moisture.
You’ll also want to invest in a good holding product. This will help to keep your waves in place throughout the day. It’s best to select a natural product and spray it on or brush it through your hair once you’ve finished styling it.
This won’t just keep your hair in the right style, it will also help to maintain moisture and ensure your hair stays healthy throughout the day.
Add The Glow
The best way to ensure you don’t just have a fantastic hairstyle but also hair that glows throughout the day is to use a shine or gloss spray. Again, this should be natural but it can help to finish your wavey hair that has been achieved with just a brush and a few minutes of your time.