Top Tips For A Speedy Recovery From A Sports Injury

Top Tips For A Speedy Recovery From A Sports Injury

Top Tips For A Speedy Recovery From A Sports Injury 

Whether you love working out in the gym or playing sports, at some point you will probably find yourself incurring an injury while pursuing your passion. 

While sporting injuries can be both painful and frustrating, provided they are not too severe, there are several things you can do to improve your chances of a speedy recovery. Let’s find out what they are, so you can get back to your favourite activities as soon as possible.

Nourish Yourself 

While your body focuses on recovering from the damage it has suffered, it’s important to do all you can to nurture yourself and stay healthy. This includes drinking plenty of fluids every day. Water is essential for helping your body to heal quickly, as it flushes oxygen and essential nutrients through your blood stream. 

Too many caffeinated drinks, on the other hand, should be avoided, as they can prevent your body from tackling inflammation around the affected area. 

When it comes to the right diet, you probably already know about many of the benefits of eating protein when you lead an active lifestyle, but what other nutrients can help you when you’re healing? The answer is omega-3 fatty acids, which are known for providing anti-inflammatory effects, as well as vitamin C, calcium, and zinc. 

Try A Soothing Gel 

In many cases, applying warming or cooling gels to an injury can help to ease discomfort and swelling. If you would like to use a hot muscle gel to soothe the pain and aid your recovery, you may want to consider opting for Hempe Hot Muscle & Joint Gel

This deeply soothing product is infused with CBD as well as clove and eucalyptus oils and menthol, for a powerful warming action that will tackle joint and muscle pain and encourage natural healing. 

Rest Is Key

Giving your body plenty of time to rest and recuperate is crucial, particularly if you have suffered an acute soft tissue injury. In fact, the word ‘rest’ forms the first part of the healing regimen known as ‘RICE’ – Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. RICE can work wonders for minor sprains and strains, and should be followed for at least a couple of days, in conjunction with a painkiller such as paracetamol. 

While you may be keen to take ibuprofen to help with the inflammation, some doctors may recommend that you wait for at least two days, as ibuprofen can interfere with the body’s natural healing processes. It’s best to discuss the matter with your own healthcare professional and they can advise you on the best course of action. 

Don’t Neglect The Mental Aspect

Sports injuries can affect us mentally as well as physically. As a result, it’s important to nurture yourself emotionally as well as taking good care of your body, particularly if your injury is more serious and will take time to heal. 

Create a self-care routine that will help you stay positive while your body is recovering, and take the opportunity to think about why you may have injured yourself in the first place – if it was due to lack of stretching or an error on your part, then you can focus on creating healthier work-out or sporting routines in the future. 

This will reduce your risk of getting hurt again and will help to keep your body in good condition going forward. 
