Implementing a Payment Gateway Using Stripe or Paypal in Flutter Mobile Apps

Implementing a Payment Gateway Using Stripe or Paypal in Flutter Mobile Apps

Implementing a payment gateway in mobile apps has become essential for receiving payments from clients as more and more businesses move online. In this article, we’ll look at how to integrate Stripe or PayPal, two of the most popular payment gateway providers, into Flutter mobile apps. To implement a payment gateway using Stripe or Paypal in flutter mobile apps you can hire flutter developer from Flutter Agency. Additionally, we will offer you some code examples to get you started.

Integration of the Stripe Payment Gateway in Flutter

Credit cards, debit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and other popular payment methods are supported by the commonly used payment gateway Stripe. To integrate the Stripe payment gateway with Flutter, follow these steps:

So how exactly may mobile apps impact your e-commerce business in a real way?

Step 1: open a Stripe account.

Get API keys for testing and production environments initially by creating a Stripe account.

Sep 2: Add Stripe dependency to the Flutter project in step two.

Add the following line to your pubspec.yaml file to include Stripe as a dependency in your Flutter project:

dependencies: stripe_payment: ^1.0.8

Step 3: Launch Stripe

Use the API keys you got in Step 1 to start Stripe. As demonstrated below, you can accomplish this in the main.dart file.

import ‘package:stripe_payment/stripe_payment.dart’;

void main() {

StripePayment.setOptions( StripeOptions(

publishableKey: “your_publishable_key”,

merchantId: “your_merchant_id”,

androidPayMode: ‘test’, ), );


Step 4: Make a payment method

Call the StripePayment.paymentRequestWithCardForm method to create a payment method, as demonstrated below:

void initiatePayment() async {

var paymentMethod = await StripePayment.paymentRequestWithCardForm( CardFormPaymentRequest(), );

// Use the to complete the payment


This will present a form for users to fill up with their payment details. A payment method object that may be used to complete the transaction will be returned when the form has been submitted.

Step 5: Finish making the payment.

Use the payment method ID you got in step 4 to call the StripePayment.confirmPaymentIntent method to finish the transaction, as demonstrated below:

void completePayment(String paymentMethodId, String amount) async {

try {

var paymentIntent = await createPaymentIntent(amount);

var confirmedPayment = await StripePayment.confirmPaymentIntent( PaymentIntent( clientSecret: paymentIntent[‘client_secret’],

paymentMethodId: paymentMethodId, ), );

// Payment successful, update UI

} catch (e)

{ // Payment failed, handle error }


Using the Stripe API, you may create a payment intent on your server using the createPaymentIntent method and acquire a client secret.

Integration of the Paypal Payment Gateway in Flutter

Another well-known payment gateway that accepts a variety of payment options, including credit cards, debit cards, and PayPal accounts, is PayPal. The steps to integrate the PayPal payment gateway in Flutter are as follows:

Step 1: Open a PayPal account.

To get a client ID and secret for testing and production environments, you must first create a PayPal account.

Step 2: Make the Flutter project dependent on PayPal.

Add the following line to your pubspec.yaml file to include PayPal as a dependency in your Flutter project:

dependencies: flutter_paypal: ^0.0.1

Step 3: Install PayPal

Start PayPal using the client ID you got in step one. As demonstrated below, you can initialise PayPal in the main.dart file.

import ‘package:flutter_paypal/flutter_paypal.dart’;

void main() {

PayPal.initialize( clientId: “your_client_id”, environment: Environment.sandbox, );


Step 4: Create a payment

Call the PayPal.requestOneTimePayment method as demonstrated below to create a payment:

void initiatePayment() async {

var result = await PayPal.requestOneTimePayment( amount: ‘10.00’, currencyCode: ‘USD’, shortDescription: ‘Test payment’, );

// Use the result.paymentId to complete the payment


Users can submit their payment details on the PayPal payment form that will be shown as a result. A payment ID that may be used to finish the payment will be returned when the form has been submitted.

Step 5: Finish making the payment.

Use the payment ID you got in step 4 to call the PayPal.capturePayment method to finish the payment, as demonstrated below:

void completePayment(String paymentId) async {

try {

var payment = await PayPal.capturePayment( paymentId: paymentId, amount: ‘10.00’, currency: ‘USD’, );

// Payment successful, update UI

} catch (e) { // Payment failed, handle error }


This will finish the transaction and provide you a payment object you can use to update the user interface. Also check here to know about Leading 8 Flutter App Development Companies in the United States.


For mobile apps built with Flutter to take payments from users, a payment gateway implementation is necessary. Two reputed payment gateway companies that give a range of payment options are Stripe and PayPal. The integration of Stripe and PayPal payment gateways into Flutter mobile apps was covered in this blog, along with code snippets to get you started. It is advised to engage Flutter developers with experience integrating payment gateways if you are seeking a Flutter app development company or Flutter development services to incorporate a payment gateway in your mobile app.

Our team at Flutter Agency consists of 20 skilled Flutter developers that have created more than 30 Flutter apps for our clients. Please feel free to get in touch with us via email to discuss developing your mobile application.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Which types of payment does Flutter accept using Stripe?

In your FlutterFlow app, Stripe may be used to receive payments for any product. Your customers can pay you with credit cards, debit cards, Google Pay, and Apple Pay.

In Stripe, how can I integrate a payment method?

Navigate to the payment method of interest from the associated accounts payment method settings page. To view more information about the payment method, click the arrow on the left side of the payment method. You can view each connected account’s suitability to use the payment method in this view.

What does Flutter’s payment SDK look similar to?

An open-source project called the Flutter plugin for the In-App Payments SDK offers a Dart interface for calling the native In-App Payments SDK implementations. Create applications that accept payments on both iOS and Android using Flutter.
