Mastering Academic Style: A Writer’s Guide to Formal Expression

Mastering Academic Style: A Writer’s Guide to Formal Expression

Academic content style mainly follows the same writing process as other kinds of texts. It comprises some specific rules pertaining to structure, style, and content. Typically, academic style is used for college/university publications, scholarly journals and articles, textbooks on academic topics, research papers, thesis/dissertations, and even essays. Moreover, most of these write-ups feature as assignments in every student’s post-school level learning. 


Fortunately, students unfamiliar with such assignments can hire an expert specializing in academic writing to help do my assignment from scratch. Several top assignment/homework help brands operate online, helping students compile their various tasks for timely submission and good grades. 


You can explore the option if you require urgent help with your pending paper. But only do it from a reputed and legit platform with a sterling user rating and project turnaround record. 

If you seek a good place to start, check out My Assignment Help. The platform comprises experienced academic experts in 100+ subject disciplines. Plus, it has an excellent customer satisfaction record. Its offered services suit your project needs.


Nevertheless, perfecting academic writing skills is important for various advanced learning and career endeavors. The good news is it’s not too difficult to learn. Below, we share crucial insights to improve your prowess in formal expression.


Crucial Rules of Academic Writing


  • Writing in A Formal Tone and Keep Perspectives Unbiased


Academic formal expression requires conveying information impartially. Arguments must be developed based on available evidence, not the author’s preconceptions. Furthermore, every claim must have supporting evidence from authentic sources. 


To avoid biased perspectives, conduct extensive research on what other scholars and experts say on the topic, and represent your study with honest, fair, and accurate arguments. Some papers will require you to outline the methodology and research limitations. Avoid using informal language, slang, clichés, contractions, and conversational terms. 


  • Being Clear and Direct


It’s crucial to use clear and concise language to explain the study to the readers. That requires you to be as precise as possible and avoid vague language or hedging claims with terms like ‘perhaps,’ ‘it could be,’ ‘maybe,’ etc. Using such phrases in the study will give readers the impression that you lack confidence in your perspectives. So, reflect carefully on your word choices. 


In some studies, intended for a specific audience, you may need to use specific jargon to make the writing accurate, concise, and relatable. However, you don’t have to use it in every formally written piece, as it could make the work seem complex to general readers. To determine the type of jargon for the specific field research paper, you must read relevant papers of other researchers. Focus on their language and choice of words. 


  • Adding Text Sources and References


All academic papers require you to substantiate your claims with evidence. So, it’s crucial to find out which sources are authentic and suitable to use when compiling your study. Don’t cite Wikipedia or general websites for acquiring information. Instead, use sources from the university library, academic databases, and scholarly articles and papers from Google Scholar.  


Additionally, you must use in-text citations whenever you paraphrase or quote someone’s work. Add citations in the correct style and also include a reference list. Doing so will make your study more credible and easier to follow for the readers. Adding citations and references also saves you from plagiarism nuisances. Hence, properly follow the style your institution specifies. Still, to be sure, scan the written work for existing duplication using a plagiarism checker. Don’t ignore this step, or else you may find yourself in some serious trouble.


  • Maintaining Consistency and Proper Structure


Besides these above rules, academic formal expression also requires you to maintain consistency, flow and proper structure in your paper. You must apply stylistic conventions on the following –

  • How to write numbers?
  • Using verb tense in separate stanzas 
  • Capitalization in headers, proper nouns, and specific terminologies.
  • Introducing and using abbreviations 
  • Focusing on spelling and punctuation for UK and US English conventions


Always apply them consistently throughout the research paper. You must also edit and proofread your work to remove existing inconsistencies and writing blemishes. If you don’t feel too confident in your revision skills, ask a friend to do it for you and share feedback. You can refer to the comments, make necessary corrections, and learn what mistakes to avoid henceforth.


Guide to Formal Expression – What Doesn’t Work


  • Presenting Information as a Personal Reflection


Some candidates get carried away or are too engaged in the research work, and they present information as a personal reflection. In doing so, they divert their focus from the actual research and express their own opinions. Don’t do it, as it doesn’t work in academic formal expression.

Avoid using the reader in the second person, ‘you, your, etc.’ Instead, use impersonal pronouns like ‘one’ or alternatives of generalization. 


If you must address yourself, ensure it’s for a good reason. You can share your stance on the study and explain what methods you used during the research phase. But don’t insert your personal feelings arbitrarily. 

  • Long-winding Text Phrasing


Many students also believe academic writing requires long-winded/complex text phrasing. They’re wrong. As explained above, the study should be direct and concise. Avoid redundant phrasing. Also, replace phrasal terms with one-word equivalents. 


Repetition is acceptable, as you must surmise the information in the conclusion or outcome section. But don’t overdo it. Otherwise, the study will be boring and redundant for the target readers. 

  • Grandiose and Emotive Appeals


Finally, you must understand that academic writing is different from marketing or journalism texts. You don’t need to appeal to emotions or grandiose with inflated claims. Rather, your aim is to communicate ideas, arguments, and information as they are with supporting evidence. 


There is no requirement for stirring up emotional responses among readers. Also, avoid subjective, flowery, or exaggerated claims. Present precise, grounded arguments and leave the readers to figure out what to do with the shared information. 


Remember these tips whenever you get down to writing an academic paper. It will help you craft an excellent research study in proper academic formal expression. Of course, if you require assistance at any stage, don’t hesitate in taking help from online academic writers.
