From Yacht to Chateau: Mastering Seamless Transitions Between Your Homes

From Yacht to Chateau: Mastering Seamless Transitions Between Your Homes

From Yacht to Chateau: Mastering Seamless Transitions Between Your Homes

Photo by Lizgrin F on Unsplash 

If you are the kind of person who doesn’t particularly like disruption to your life, you may think that having multiple houses presents a challenge. But there is a way to master seamless transitions between your homes, no matter if you have an apartment and a château or a mansion and a yacht. Let’s have a look at how it’s done.

Two Sets of Staff

One solution is to have your house always staffed, with perhaps just a skeleton staff when you are not in residence. This way, the house will always be aired and fresh, ready for even the most unexpected visit, whether that be yourself, your family or invited guests. 

When it works, having two sets of staff is a smooth and fuss-free way to maintain multiple properties, and those who are able to factor this into their monthly spends are sure to feel the benefits. 

Photo by Colin Watts on Unsplash 

Hire Who You Need, When You Need Them

Another way to solve the problem is to hire staff from agencies like Cora Partners as needed for your visits to your secondary home. That way, you can send them to the house the day or so before your visit, to get everything ready, from making up the beds and clearing the fallen leaves from the garden to stocking up the pantry with your favourite treats. 

House staff become part of the fabric of a home, so using household staff on a needs basis can feel like a departure from the familiar service you are use to. That is why using experienced agencies with proven standards and intuition is a must. 

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash 

Strike a Happy Medium!

As with most things, there is a happy balance to be found, somewhere between the two options. Have a couple of members of staff  who are usually in charge of your primary home, but who can travel to your yacht or holiday home, to take charge of a group of agency workers who are contracted for a day or so on either side of your planned visit (so as to allow them to get the house or yacht ready for your visit and then tidy up and put everything away afterwards). This way, you get the best of both worlds, enjoying everything done exactly the way you like it, without having to pay salaries for idle months.
