A-Z of Holistic Massage Therapy

A-Z of Holistic Massage Therapy

A-Z of Holistic Massage Therapy 

Addiction is increasing around the world. The stress and unstable nature of things these days is leading to those who have been sober for years relapsing. Overdoses statistics are staggering, and seemingly right now, there is no end to the pandemic in sight. 

It can seem overwhelming, we understand. But there are treatments out there that can help. So even if you think you’ve tried everything and have dropped out of rehab or relapsed a hundred times, we’re here to remind you never to give up. The 101st try might be the one that sticks. 

There are thousands of ways to deal with addiction including holistic massage therapy. No one school of thought seems to have the perfect answer. The individual nature of treatment is likely because addiction is a very personal issue and no two addicts are alike. What works as a miracle cure for one may make another worse. For this reason, we like to take all of the options available into consideration. The holistic approach is one we’ve seen work wonders for people over the years.  

The Holistic Approach

One school of thought on addiction that has been steadily growing is the holistic approach. In this case, holistic means that these are methods that do not use any form of medication. Instead, they focus intensely on the connection in the mind, body, and spirit. 

The holistic school of thought believes that if you can align the mind, body, and spirit, you can discover the imbalances and avoid them in the future. But, unfortunately, it’s those imbalances that are leading to the struggle with addiction. 

Holistic therapy aims wider than some other types of treatment options. In the holistic methods, the individual’s overall wellbeing is the goal rather than just treating the symptoms or problems directly related to addiction. 

There are many parts to a holistic addiction treatment program, and we can’t cover them all here. Still, we’d like to help you better understand a few of the things you’re likely to experience if you decide to go with a holistic approach to your recovery program.

First, it’s essential to understand that a team of professionals truly customizes each program to fit the patient. That’s one of the reasons that the holistic method has such a high success rate and works so well for some people. The things we’re talking about here are just broad methods that therapists practice across the board. 

The Mind

The mind plays an enormous role in addiction. Most addicts are self-medicating for things that they haven’t dealt with in their lives. Mental issues that can trigger addiction can include things like childhood trauma. The therapy you will undergo during a holistic program will help you learn to cope with these things healthily and remove them as something that triggers you to turn to drugs or alcohol. Fears are another significant reason that people turn to substances. Holistic treatment programs can use things like cognitive behavioral therapy to ensure that you can overcome the fears that are helping to drive your addiction. 

Statistically, surveys have shown that 45 percent of those who suffer from addiction issues have co-occurring mental health problems. Because of these staggering statistics, they feel it is critically important to treat the mental health side of things with as much passion as they treat the addiction issues themselves in the holistic method. Some of the most common mental health issues that occur alongside addiction include but are not limited to ADHD, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, and depression.

The Body

The holistic approach also treats the body as a critical component of addiction recovery. One of the ways they use the body to help aid in the treatment process is through methods like holistic massage therapy and acupuncture. 

Holistic massage therapy helps to create a connection between the mind and the body. Trained massage therapists use trigger points to help release dopamine. The dopamine rush is part of the addiction, and massage therapy offers a way to get that same rush without drug use. In addition, these techniques help alleviate stress and tension, which can make the recovery process complicated. 

Massage therapy can also be helpful during the detoxing process. Detoxing is difficult on the body, and this holistic option can help control some of the muscle aches and pains that come along with getting sober. These pains can last for months after the original detox, and rather than turning to some pain reliever, massage therapy is a wholly natural approach 

Another thing that massage therapy can help with when it comes to addiction is improved self-awareness. With better self-awareness, individuals are less likely to relapse after leaving treatment. 

Acupuncture is another strong body option in the holistic treatment of addiction. Like massage therapy, acupuncture also helps to alter the dopamine release, making the person undergoing therapy in a better mental place. Though there are still many things we don’t understand about why acupuncture works, many holistic practitioners swear by it. 


When it comes to supporting the soul aspect of the holistic approach to addiction, there are multiple options, but one of the most popular and perhaps most used is Yoga. Yoga is an ancient practice, and because it’s been around so long, there are more studies and evidence to show its improvements on the body and wellbeing. 

First, Yoga has been proven over and over again in different studies to provide stress relief. Stress relief is critical, especially during the early weeks of addiction treatment, because it’s well known that stress is a driving factor for addiction. Secondly, it improves physical wellbeing helping to encourage flexibility and body movement relieving pain and tension. 

This summary barely touches the surface of what holistic addiction treatment entails, but it gives you some idea of what types of things can be the most beneficial. Remember that above all else, in the holistic approach, the person is treated as a whole. Custom programs have shown great success rates, and while tackling your addiction, you also treat the mental health issues that come along with it. 
