Decorating Tips for Warmer Weather
As the cold of winter melts away, you may be inspired to make some changes to your living area. The possibilities for sprucing up your home are endless. Here are some tips for making decorative changes to fit the warmer weather.
Refresh Trim
The colder months are darker, with less daylight available. As the daylight hours grow longer, you get better views inside your house. If your walls look faded, you should consider repainting your trim. Bright trim can make the whole room look cleaner and fresher.
Change Bedding
Your winter bedroom set is probably designed to be warm and cozy. As the temperatures warm-up, you need to lighten up your bedding. You can change your heavy top blanket with a lighter coverlet or duvet. Check your mattress dimensions to get a cover that fits well. You can refresh your whole bedroom look with a lighter color or spring-like pattern.
Paint Plant Pots
Beautiful ceramic planters make a statement for any home or garden. You can save some money by painting a less expensive plastic planter a fresh and exciting color. This can be done for indoor and outdoor plants. Use your creativity to create designs with colors that accent your home or garden in a way that pleases you.
Replace Heavy Drapes
If you have window treatments that include drapery, you can look at lighting these up a bit. In colder seasons, insulated drapes make sense to keep out wind drafts from seeping through your windows. As the weather warms, this feature is no longer needed. Instead, the insulated drapes may start to make your room feel heavy. You can replace them with some sheer or lighter fabric window treatments. These will give a more whimsical feel to your rooms.
Use Wallpaper
Wallpaper comes in all types of colors and patterns. Uses for wallpaper are not limited to covering your wall. You can use smaller sections of wallpaper to create various accents in your home. You can try lining your draws or cabinet shelves with a pattern that reminds you of summer. Using small sections of wallpaper is very affordable and creates attractive looks throughout your home.
Get New Vases
If you are using vases for decor in your home, you may want to take a look and consider swapping some out. Colorful options can help give your house a vacation-style look that will make you feel like you are on holiday. Many options are available to make arrangements to fill your vases with live flowers, silk flowers, rocks or other decorative items. You can make a beautiful display very affordably.
Add a Mirror
Mirrors are versatile pieces that can add decorative style to your rooms. The placement of mirrors can also aid in directing lighting to create specific effects. It would help if you considered looking for a mirror to add to your space for the warmer season. You want to choose one that is interesting to you when you see it. You can use a hanging mirror or floor mirror to create your desired effect.
Supplement Accent Pillows
Accent pillows can instantly change the way your furniture looks. These pillows are available in all shapes, colors, sizes and fabrics. You can decide if you want to replace the accent pillows you currently have or supplement them by adding a few more. Using contrasting colors and patterns can liven up your look. It would help if you also focused on styles that make you think of warmer weather.
Seasonal decorating can be fun and rewarding. You have many options to freshen up your home so that you can start your project now.