CBD-Infused Drinks For Newbies 101

CBD-Infused Drinks For Newbies 101

CBD-Infused Drinks For Newbies 101

With CDB gaining more and more popularity among consumers around the world each and every day, it comes as no surprise that it finds lots of various uses. You can see it being used in the forms of vapes, pills, mouth sprays, and it’s also made its way into drinks, offering everyone such a large selection that it can spoil the pickiest of the crowd. 

What makes CBD compound so popular is that it brags lots of health benefits and demonstrates a proven efficiency in treating health conditions such as insomnia, pain, stress, anxiety, and many more. More to that, it doesn’t cause addiction or trigger unpleasant symptoms related to hangovers, making it a great choice for just about anyone. 

In this article, we’ll focus on the most popular types of CBD infused drinks, as well as the general effects they produce. Let’s dive into it!

A Variety of CBD Drinks

CBD, or cannabidiol as it’s also known, is a compound that pairs perfectly with almost any beverage. Should you choose to mix it with tap water or add it to your soda, the result will be awesome! Because of the calming effects of CBD, many people like to have it with: 

  • Cocktails
  • Non-alcoholic drinks
  • Tea
  • Coffee. 

In fact, there’s a wide range of brands that offer you ready-to-drink coffee-based beverages containing CBD. So, whichever option you prefer, finding a drink that is perfect for you isn’t going to be hard. 

CBD and Alcohol: Do These Two Work Together?

To give you a short answer: yes! According to users, consuming CBD and alcohol doesn’t seem to have negative effects. The long answer is, since drinking alcohol is quite harmful in itself, it’s best to play it safe and consume both in moderation. 

Are there any benefits to mixing CBD with alcohol? You might be surprised, but some studies have shown that there actually are. When consumed in moderation, CBD can help lower blood alcohol levels and make hangover symptoms far less dreadful than they would be without it. Another benefit is that because CBD has a relaxing nature, it can help curb the desire for a drink, which means you’d be much less tempted to have an extra pine of beer. 

Besides, CBD has quite a lovely taste, so some people just add it to bring some variety into their drinking experience. 

What Do CBD Drinks Do? 

By and large, CBD drink effects are no different from those of CBD oils. However, if you aren’t familiar with them, below we’ve compiled the most common effects you can expect from taking a CBD drink:

  • CBD drinks allow you to de-stress

People love CBD infused drinks for their ability to reduce stress and anxiety. Even a small dose of CBD added to your drink can help calm you down, making it easier for you to mellow and relax. Should you be a socially anxious person finding it difficult to relax, a CBD beverage can boost your confidence levels and make socializing pleasant and enjoyable. 

  • CBD drinks help reduce pain

Another remarkable effect of CBD is that it can act as a powerful painkiller. For this reason, CBD drinks are often prescribed as part of treatment for people who are undergoing chemotherapy or recovering after surgery and looking to get back to leading a normal lifestyle.

  • CBD drinks allow you to get a quality night’s sleep

Finally, products with CBD are known for their sedative nature, so for those who struggle to calm down or fall asleep for any reason, it may be quite helpful to have a CBD-infused drink. 

What to Look for in CBD-Infused Drinks?

No matter whether you’re on the lookout for cannabis or a CBD drink, you want to make sure that you buy a product from a reputable source. Second, you want to find out how much CBD is in the chosen product. If you don’t know what you need, visit the Ask Growers website, where you’ll be spoiled for choice. 

It’s highly recommended that you check the country of origin of the product too. Not only is it important to know where the CBD comes from, but it’s absolutely necessary to be sure that the product you buy has been tested and approved for compliance. 


To wrap the whole thing up, CBD has a lot going for it. Even though it derives from the hemp plant, it’s an all-natural product that can help you calm down, relax after a stressful day at work, reduce aches and spasms, making you feel much more comfortable in various social situations. What’s more important is that it’s not addictive, so there will be no withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking it. Whether you add it to your tea, coffee, water, soda, or even beer, the effects kick in pretty soon and benefit both your body and mind. 
