Green Living: 5 Sustainable Choices for an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

Green Living: 5 Sustainable Choices for an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

Global warming has taken the world by storm. For instance, according to NASA, around the globe, sea levels have risen above 8 inches in the last 100 years. A sudden rise in water levels can only mean that glaciers and snow peaks are melting faster than they should. 


Likewise, an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has caused a rampant rise in the surface temperature, resulting in extreme weather patterns. While this is a glimpse of what global warming is capable of, if we continue living in an unsustainable manner, life will become inhabitable as we know it. 


So what can you do? The answer is simple: switch over to an eco-friendly way of living. The equation goes like this: if you become mindful of your lifestyle, which in turn reduces your carbon footprint and decreases global warming. 


Places like Michigan rank 14th regarding environmental sustainability, with a total score of 66.08. So, if you live here, you should do your best to increase this number. Here are some ways how:

  • Renovate Your House Instead of Getting a New One

Constructing a house severely damages the environment. It requires land to be cleared, trees to be cut down, along with heavy machinery that heavily pollutes the atmosphere. Additionally, building a house is not pocket-friendly; the national average to build a home in Michigan is $190,000 to $260,000. 


In contrast, if you renovate or get simple upgrades, you will stay on budget, not to mention you will save the environment. 


For instance, one of the best ways to improve your house is to mind your water consumption. Switch up your bathtub for a shower for a reasonable price by contacting a trustworthy Home Improvement Company in West Michigan and save on your water bills. 

Showers use less water than a bathtub. A standard showerhead flows at a rate of 2.5 gallons per minute, while a bath uses about 50 gallons of water. Getting this upgrade is also much more cost-effective than dipping into your savings and getting a new house. 

  • Use Biodegradable Household Products

You need to become mindful of the products you bring home. This helps in reducing pollution and prevents trash from accumulating in dump sites. While biodegradable products can be slightly expensive, they are worth every penny in the long run. 


Hence, go for products made of non-synthetic ingredients that can get broken down quickly once you throw them out. Fungi and bacteria can easily dissolve biodegradable products. So, when you get rid of them, after some time, they will completely vanish and get used by the environment.


On the other hand, plastic and synthetic items are a hazard. They take years to break down and are a significant source of land pollution. If these products are disposed of in seas and oceans, they can hurt marine life on a large scale. While the list of biodegradable products is exhaustive, few include bamboo toothbrushes, recycled toilet paper, and natural deodorant. 


Moreover, you should use eco-friendly cleaning products and steer clear of cleaning products that contain detergents, preservatives, and foaming agents since they can wash up into streams and rivers. If you’re crafty, you can use numerous household products to make your cleaning products


For example, vinegar and bicarbonate soda are excellent cleaning agents and can get rid of all kinds of stubborn stains. 

  • Purchase an Electric Car

Electric cars are far more environmentally friendly than conventional gas-powered cars. This is because a large battery pack powers all-electric vehicles and emits zero tailpipe emissions. 


In other words, an electric car burns no fuel and has no tailpipe, so it produces no toxic gases or pollutes the environment. If you’re in the market to get a car, consider going electrical. These cars are also far more efficient in using energy than most gas-powered vehicles. 


To charge your electric car, all you need is a convenient place to plug it in and let electricity do the rest. At no point will you need to burn or use fossil fuels to produce energy. Generally, a dedicated home charging point will give you between 10 and 30 miles of range per hour when you plug in your car. 

  • Travel Less

Going on a holiday may be harming the environment more than you think. Around 2.4% of global carbon dioxide emissions come from airlines. Furthermore, these vessels also produce water vapor and other gases that significantly contribute to global warming. In short, the aviation industry contributes to 5% of global warming. 


According to Dan Rutherford, the shipping and aviation director at the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT), estimates that roughly 3% of the global population takes regular flights. 

So, if the global population takes one long flight per year, the amount of carbon dioxide produced will exceed the amount of CO2 the United States emits. You should also avoid taking cruise ships, another popular holiday item. Cruise ships are a major environmental pollutant. 


A 3000-capacity cruise ship generates about 150,000 gallons of sewage and graywater, filling about ten swimming pools. In 2019, a cruise ship by the name Carnival Cruise Lines was fined almost 60 million for illegally dumping oil, plastics, and garbage into the sea. 

  • Go Easy on Wasting Food

About one-third of the food in the United States goes to waste. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that in 2019, about 96% of wasted food ended up in landfills, combustion facilities, or the sewer system. 


This is why if you’re looking for a way to become environmentally friendly, become more considerate about the food you purchase. You don’t need to fill up your fridge to the brim. It helps to keep a list at hand and monitor what food items you regularly consume and those you don’t need. 


Final Thoughts

Global warming is a menace, and until we control our lifestyles and spending habits, we cannot rise above climate change. While it will take time to become environmentally friendly on a large scale, you can try on an individual label. 


This involves being mindful about your shopping, the number of holidays you take, and the amount of food you purchase. Furthermore, it would help if you switched to electric cars over fuel-powered ones. There is no denying that these measures may seem tedious at first, but the more you go online, read up on ways to become environmentally friendly, and practice them daily.
