The diary of Leeds Festival returns many a moon later, for the highlights of day two, read on for more antics!

Stephi LaReine Festival Fashion Blogger

Leeds Festival Highlights Day Two

Photos by Stephi LaReine & Patrick McGuinness, JD Rocks

The Jackobins Liverpool Band

This post is ridiculously late – which is very unlike me! I never leave a story untold. Since Leeds Festival I’ve been shooting off to Germany and been on my toes with some very exciting things to do. 

So anywhom, it’s time to reveal the tales of day two. 

Stephi LaReine leeds festival outfit

Most likely the rainiest and muddiest day of the festival. Bravely enough I decided to sport a white set of dungarees and striped top from Gap – note the little amount of mud or lack of falling over, kudos to moi. 

This was the day where if you didn’t bring a waterproof jacket it was make or break. I always carry my trusty Puffa jacket to all my festivals as it’s so light and warm. 

I was utterly worn out but determined to see some bands, we started off our afternoon with our boys from Liverpool – The Jackobins, who brought in a full tent of thriving fans and avid music listeners. 

patrick mcguinness liverpool

jack rocks stage leeds festival 2016

the jackobins

guinny stephi lareine

Next we popped our head into Crystal Castles to see the re-emergence of the experimental electro act. How I wished I could have experienced the sound from the front and to see the new singer that replaced Alice Glass that is the pink haired lady Edith Frances. 

crystal castles live at leeds 2016

Our night was finished off with a soggy but steaming set from Foals. Truly one of the weekend highlights. It makes a change from seeing them back in Liverpool and Yannis practically sitting on my face in his initial stage dive. Finishing their encore with hits like Two Steps, Twice and What Went Down. Moshpit galore. 

foals leeds festival

Stay tuned for the final chapter in 2016’s epic adventure at Leeds Festival. 
