South Beach Movie Day// #Southbeachmovieday // Stephi LaReine

South Beach Movie Day// #Southbeachmovieday // Stephi LaReine

On Saturday I was invited down to see the latest collection to come for South Beach, a well established bikini and loungewear brand, having already adored their pyjamas gifted to me, (you can see the photo here and here ) I met up with my blogger friend Molly and got the coach down together, grabbing a blueberry muffin and caramel latte to be in for a surprise private screening of the 90s movie Clueless and sat down to an adorable lunch of pizza, candy floss and pick n mix. We bumped into our regulars from Rock On Ruby, Holly and Gail, never a dull day with them, I love it.

Cosmic Dress// House Of Trendella –  SugarHill Boutique*

Blue Snakeskin Leather Jacket// Vintage (similar)

Chelsea Boots// Ebay

Bowlers Bag// Primark (similar)

South Beach Movie Day// #Southbeachmovieday // Stephi LaReine

South Beach Movie Day// #Southbeachmovieday // Stephi LaReine


South Beach Movie Day// #Southbeachmovieday // Stephi LaReine


South Beach Movie Day// #Southbeachmovieday // Stephi LaReine

South Beach Movie Day// #Southbeachmovieday // Stephi LaReine


South Beach Movie Day// #Southbeachmovieday // Stephi LaReine


South Beach Movie Day// #Southbeachmovieday // Stephi LaReine


South Beach Movie Day// #Southbeachmovieday // Stephi LaReine


South Beach Movie Day// #Southbeachmovieday // Stephi LaReine


South Beach Movie Day// #Southbeachmovieday // Stephi LaReine


South Beach Movie Day// #Southbeachmovieday // Stephi LaReine


South Beach Movie Day// #Southbeachmovieday // Stephi LaReine


South Beach Movie Day// #Southbeachmovieday // Stephi LaReine


South Beach Movie Day// #Southbeachmovieday // Stephi LaReine


South Beach Movie Day// #Southbeachmovieday // Stephi LaReine


South Beach Movie Day// #Southbeachmovieday // Stephi LaReine

I adore the new collection and reminds me of the Spice Girls movie when they’re all sitting around in their colour co-ordinated dressing downs. I’m definitely loving the 90s inspiration right now, it’s been circulating for the past year and has influenced us to step back into the past to look for our future inspiration (deep and poetic, I know!)

My favourite piece was one called Ariel Mermaid, a pastel, tie dye bikini and another that reminds me of the classic Marilyn Monroe bikini with a Triangl twist, I know I’m going to be stocking up on their bikinis and investing into more lounge wear as we swoon through this especially chilly winter. I cannot wait to get snug. Thank you for having me South Beach and for the wonderful presents in the always lush gift bag!

What do you guys like about my #SouthBeachMovieDay?


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Any items marked with a * have been gifted or sent to me to review, please see my pr/disclosure

