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Well-groomed perfectly straight hair is an excellent decoration for any woman. However, sometimes you want to diversify the look, add zest to it, and play a little with your curls. In this article, you’ll find 10 great straight hair styling ideas that are easy to do at home. You will need a round brush and a hairdryer or your favorite flat iron for curling hair. Fortunately, simplicity and low-maintenance remain on-trend in 2021, so it’s easy to look stylish.

Perfectly Straight

If you have straight hair, just emphasize it to look great. Perfectly smooth strands from roots to tips will complement your elegant style and make you stand out from the crowd. This classic styling is great for hair of any length, but it looks exceptionally luxurious on long curls. The main thing is to create volume at the hair roots so that the hairstyle does not look too sleek. Dry your strands with a brush and a hairdryer, and then smooth them with a flat iron. For a finish, use a spray to add shine to your hair.

Shiny Waves

To diversify your everyday look a bit, you can make waves on your curls that will still be smooth and shiny. Use a ceramic coated round brush for the perfect result. Make sure that short strands in the hairline area do not stick out to the sides; otherwise, they can ruin the elegant look. The secret to creating smooth ripples on your curls is to secure your hair with pins after styling. After the strands have cooled, remove the hairpins, add volume at the roots with a brush, and fix the hair with a hairspray.


A ponytail is an excellent styling option on the second day after washing your hair, when the hair is no longer perfectly clean, and the volume at the roots is insufficient. In order not to injure the curls by repeated washing, do this styling. If your strands are slightly fluffy overnight, tame them with a flat iron. Part the hair and collect it at the back of your head with an elastic band. Then take a small curl of hair, wrap it around the ponytail to mask the elastic, and secure it with a pin.


Double pigtails (high ponytails) will add playfulness to a perfectly smooth look. Dry your hair with a hairdryer and make a perfectly even parting in the middle of your head. Сomb the resulting strands сarefully, lifting them to the place where the ponytails will be located. Make sure no hairs stick out to the side and tie a tight elastic around your hair. Disguise it with a small strand and straighten the curls with a straightener. To remove static and add extra shine to your hair, use a shine spray.

Slicked Back

It is another second-day styling option for long, straight hair. Its secret is to create false layering. Even if your curls have a perfectly straight cut at the bottom, you can style them in a cascade. This hairstyle is created in two stages. First, you need to make waves on the strands below the back of the head in any way convenient for you. Try to stack them in different directions. That is what will create the effect of layering. Then gently comb the curls back and fix them with styling products for perfect smoothness.

Braid Straight

Since simplicity is on-trend, hair styling should not take much time. If you want to create a casual, slightly messy effect, check out this hairstyle. You just need to dry your hair in any way that suits you, treat the strands with fixing spray, divide them into four sections and braid them into simple braids. Then you need to warm each of them thoroughly with a flat iron (glide over it 3-4 times) and twist the ends a little. Let your hair cool slightly, loosen the braids and gently comb through with a brush.

Hair Up Twist

Hair up twist is a great option for romantic looks. Despite the name, it belongs to low-maintenance hairstyles and does not require any special skills from you. Create beach waves all over the hair except at the roots. To do this, you only need a hairdryer and a holding spray. Divide the strands into several sections, spray them, twist these sections alternately, and dry them. You can use a curling or flat iron to create smoother curls. Separate the front strands, twist them away from your face, and secure them with a pin at the back of the head.

Half Top Knot

This hairstyle is perfect for everyday wear. Hair will not interfere with you, falling on your face, and at the same time, loose strands on the back of your head will demonstrate the beauty of your locks. You can curl your hair with a flat iron or leave it perfectly straight. Separate a small section at the top of the head and collect it in a ponytail. It is recommended that you do it not with a comb but with your fingers for a more natural look. Twist the gathered strand, slightly pull some strands, wrap it in a circle, and secure with a pin.

Unicorn Braid

If you liked the previous hairstyle, then you will surely appreciate this one. A unicorn braid creation principle is very similar: you need to separate the hair section at the crown and curl the rest of the hair slightly. Lovers of volume can use not only a flat iron but also a hair crimper. It is a great option for those with straight, thin locks. The crown section should also be treated to add volume at the roots and then be braided into a french braid. Pull the strands a little and secure your hair with an elastic.

French Braids

It might be worth some practice to create this hairstyle. While braiding is not overly difficult, doing it on your own hair can be a little tricky. However, the final look is well worth it. Make a perfectly even parting in the center of your head and tie one half with an elastic band. Comb your hair back and part a small section in the front. Divide it into three parts and weave them together, gradually adding new locks. Continue braiding all the way to the ends, then secure it with an elastic. Repeat these steps on the other half of your head.

Stay Yourself!

Clothing and hairstyle fashion changes from year to year, and it can be difficult to keep track of all the new trends. Therefore, the most important thing is to remain yourself and maintain your individuality. Remember, you are beautiful, whichever hairstyle you choose from this list!

